Zinester's Guide to Portland, 6 Edition


A low to no budget guide to the City of Roses, edited by myself since at least 2002. Published by Microcosm Publishing. Illustrations by many great artists! 128 pages softcover edition. This is the newest and final edition!

From Travel Portland:
"This small-but-mighty zine, subtitled “A Low/No Budget Guide to Living In & Visiting Portland, OR,” began as a leaflet-size, hand-stapled supplement to the first Portland Zine Symposium. Five editions and 15 years later, the guidebook has ballooned to 128 pages, and has sat on Powell’s Books’ Top 20 Bestsellers shelf since 2006. Comprehensive in scope, pages boast contributions and illustrations by many of Portland’s premier zine artists, and are loaded with suggestions on the city’s best parks, theaters, records stores and pizzerias, among other can’t-miss sights. Special callouts are devoted to Portland-centric topics like public transit, biking and skateboarding."